More changes...

~Jun. 12, 2003~

Well, I'm still not completely happy with the layout. Maybe it's that I haven't made any long entries so the middle section looks more empty. Dunno. So gonna try using the weblog style and see how that goes.

Still no luck finding the artist that did the image I've used. And Beth, you're a total goof for the comment. I'm guessing that you like the image, but since I can't really read what you wrote... Weiner...

To be honest, I had a hard time chosing the image, as there were a few by the same artist that I'd saved to my hard drive to make puzzles on the computer out of. Totally forgot about them until a couple days ago when I reloaded the puzzle software and there they were. So figured I'd use one of them...

Things are quiet right now. The boys are sleeping, well, in bed for their naps at least. Doubt they're asleep yet. Especially Jared. He didn't want to take a nap at all. Hell, flat out told me no, which got him a couple smacks on a bare butt.

Yup, I've taken to corporal punishment with the boys to get them to listen and stop back talking. Can't really say if it's working, but since I've only just started, not overly worried about figuring that out yet. And since I set a limit at 3 smacks, than putting them in the corner, I don't think anyone could ever say I was abusing them.

Just finished cleaning up in the bathroom. Man, the area around the toilet stinks! Smells like stale urine, and I only just figured out why. Seems that the boys aren't always the best at hitting inside their potty chair buckets, so some leaks into the body of the chair. There was dried, old, stale, stanky urine in the bottom of both chairs. So now the whole things are sitting in the tub, soaking in steaming hot water and Lysol. Plus, put a couple of candles in there to help get rid of the stench. No wonder the dog decided to pee in there the other night.

Supposed to go and get my new glasses this evening. Not sure if I really believe that we will or not, but we'll see. And I'm not sure if they'll help my sight either. Seems that it's getting worse and worse faster and faster. And the last perscription update I had really hasn't helped. Got some new contacts based on that one, and I'll have moments where I'll see crystal clearly, than I'll blink and everything will be blurry. Which really sucks if you're driving down the road trying to see at night. Not that I can see at night while driving, anyway. That seems to have been totally shot to hell now too. Zero depth perception, which is SO not good. Especially around here.

Ok, the boys really are sleeping, so I think I'm gonna go lay down as well and try to get rid of this headache that I have. I seem to have them a lot of late. I think it's related to my vision, but I don't know for sure. Could be so many things... Longer entries work well, though the two columns on the right are too close together, so I'll have to fix that later. And it might be the color combo that I'm using for the background and text color... I'll have to look in to that later as well. Nap time now...


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Unconscious Mutterings for 19 Jan 04
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Unconscious Mutterings for 04 Jan 04

All writing presented within these pages is copyright � Heather A. Boothby. Click here to read how this page is protected by copyright laws.

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Female/26-30. Lives in Italy/Naples, speaks English. Eye color is blue-grey. I am what my mother calls

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The Weather in Hell