Another day, another military dollar...

~Jun. 18, 2003~

If it's even that... I honestly don't know. I do know that at one point I figured out how much per day I was getting from my re-enlistment bonus, and that was only 6 dollars a day. Pretty sad, really...

Took the boys to see Finding Nemo last night. Jared was enraptured through the whole thing, but Tristan got fidgitty towards the end... It was a cute movie. I really liked the sharks in there. If you haven't seen the movie, there are 3 sharks that are trying to reform their fish eating ways. Really quite funny.

Reordered the book and CD that were borrowed and never returned. Well, the CD was stolen, by a so called friend, right out of my car, and the book, I'd rather not talk to the person that has it to get it back. So just re-ordered them. Which reminds me that I forgot to get the DVD as well. Grrrrr. But I'll have my Blackmore's Night CD again, which makes me really happy. :) Listening to them right now, matter of fact. Still love the band and wish they'd come out with a new CD soon.

There's a festival on the 4th of July that the local SCA chapter is going to get involved in. And since Anne is no longer in charge, it should be fun. I've already made the plans with J, who never plans anything, to spend some time at the "camp". Might even be able to dance, depending on my knee.

Got the brace off on Monday! WOOHOO!!!!! Feels really wierd, though. And the doc cautioned me against overdoing it. Put since I'm still on limited/light duty, and have to go to orthopedics and have them look at it. The doc says there seems to be some damage done to the pad that's in between the two bones, so wants them to look at it and have them decide if an MRI is needed, or just physical therapy. All I know it that when he was maniulating my knee, he hit a point in rotating the leg, that it hurt REALLY bad. So depending on what the MRI shows, I might need some surgery to shave off a rough spot, which is what the Doc seems to think will be the case. Joy...

Gonna do some collaborative journalling this afternoon. I really like the topics for most of them, and since I've neglected it for far too long, it's about time I started up again. So since I don't have much to do this afternoon, I figure today will be a good day for it. So look for that later.

Now I must go and pretend to work and write up a flight briefing packet. It's really sad how little I care about what I do now. I just can't bring myself to enjoy weather anymore. I'm not sure if that's just due to this command, or if I really don't like it, but I don't want to stick around to find out. I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do when I get out in a couple years, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere. There are a few things that I'd like to do, and think I'd enjoy, but I can't seem to nail anything down. Webpage designing, teaching, counseling, building computers, phone psychic, not really, but it makes me laugh. And I'm not sure about the store with everyone anymore. Haven't heard from them, though I haven't written them either, so probably should, and I'm not sure if I'll be getting to WA like it was originally thought. I just don't know. And I really don't like not knowing...


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Female/26-30. Lives in Italy/Naples, speaks English. Eye color is blue-grey. I am what my mother calls

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The Weather in Hell