Journaling thoughts...

~Jun. 27, 2003~

Well, I�ve been thinking about the approach I have towards writing a journal. I�ve come to realize that though I thought I wrote for myself, I don�t. I tend to write it both for myself, and for those that read it. Which means that I�ve been censoring myself when I write. Well, that doesn�t really help me, now does it? Not really. So I�ve been trying to figure out how to remedy that, as I know that writing can be very therapeutic, as well as a good stress reliever. And Goddess knows I need more of that�

So I�ve come up with a few ideas. All of which I�m going to try, to see which one works best. The first will be to maintain this as it is, fully open for all the word to see. I�m not sure I�m overly comfortable with that, as that takes a ton of courage. Especially since I�m sure I�ll be writing about things that aren�t overly pleasant. The second is to use the private folder for the more sensitive subjects. That might be a good way to go, and than only those I chose can read them. (Incidentally, some people have already been given the info via email or PM. If you didn�t, email me.) The third is to maintain this as it is, and keep it being written for me and others, and get a separate journal, not online, that�s protected to write in. I�m actually in the process of trying out some software that�s both password protected and encrypted so that I can write for myself and not worry about someone seeing it.

I�ve also bought some books dealing with therapeutic journalism. 2 of them came in today, and I�m almost sorry that I�ve already started another book. Though with the way one of them is written, it�s a workbook with 2 weeks worth of exercises, to be done once a day, and they can supposedly be done in 30 minutes. We�ll see�

My other copy of Harry Potter came in today. A friend of mine bought it off me since the book store here is already sold out. Hell, they were sold out 2 days after it came out. And since I had an extra copy, and she hadn�t ordered it yet, I figured what the hell.

Someone, and I hate to admit that I don�t remember who, asked who the author of the Dark Goddess book was, so here�s a link to the book. Dancing in the Flames The company, Shambhala Publications, has a lot of good books. I love to browse the site and catalog. :) So there�s one even better than just the author. Still working on reading it, so can�t really say how it is yet, but when I finish, I�ll probably write about it.

I�m working again this weekend. *sighs* Actually, that�s not entirely bad. I�ll actually be here if my backpack comes in, I�ll be working with Alicia, which is MUCH better than the alternative, and I�ll be bringing in my laptop to fiddle around with when I�m not working. I�m also planning on doing the other of my collaborative journalism entries. It�s another of the Pagan Speak topics. A bit more difficult than the last, but still one that I want to do.

Ya know, I just noticed that the time on this computer is set to zulu time, rather than local time. Grrrrrr, how annoying. That means that every entry I�ve written from here is actually the wrong time. But than, since I�m not supposed to be doing this from work in the first place, I don�t think I have much room to say anything to get the time changed. Not that they would anyway�


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