Countdown begins...

~Aug. 08, 2003~

Well, Scruffie is due today. I don't actually think that she's going to go in to labor today, but it will be any day now. I'm actually very excited about all this. Oddly enough, more so than anything else in my life at the moment. That just seems odd to me.

Marty emailed me to let me know that she'd gotten the check, which made me feel a LOT better. Next payment will most definitely be registered. Don't need a large chunk of money coming up missing, that's for sure. She also told me that I inspired her for the names of the puppies in the litter. Since mine is going to be Loki, Glenbride's Baron Maloki will be the registered name Loki for short, she's naming the rest some sort of synonym for mischief, since Loki is the God of mischief. I thought it rather cute, really.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. And than when I do, I'm plagued by bad dreams. It's getting to where I almost don't want to go to sleep, being afraid of what I'll dream next. Last week it was my mom thoroughly berating me for being a totaly screw up, the worst mom since the dawn of time, a horrible cook, bad housekeeper, lousy lay, all sorts of things. Than there was the one where I was surrounded by dead bodies and some guy had a knife to Crystal's head. Really not sure where these are all coming from, but I certainly wouldn't mind them going back there.

So I haven't been sleeping well lately and my body is screaming. My back is aching and spasming a bit, and my neck is stiffer than it has been in a long time. It's not to the point where I can't turn it, but it's getting close. I'm wondering how much of it's due to the matress, as I know I need a new, firmer one, just haven't gotten it yet. The selection here is crap really, but I think I'm gonna have to get one before leaving.

This is lookin' to be a rather dull day. 3 pilot briefs, all around lunch, and that's it. Got a couple pilots going to Egypt tomorrow and I wanna go with them. I want to get there so badly. I can feel it tugging at me, calling me to the temples. J says that we'll go next year in the fall which will be nice.

His waiver came back. It hasn't been approved or denied yet though. He had to go get an EKG done yesterday, which he only just told me about... He doesn't do anything that really aggrovates his asthma so I can't understand why they wouldn't let him stay in and here a couple more years. He talked to his boss and that was the jist of their conversation. If it comes back approved, he's going to put in to stay here until I get out, which will be a couple more years. That would be a great help. I hope it gets approved, especially considering it's the Navy's fault he has asthma now. Christ with the rate being 1 in 15 ending up with respritory problems from this place, you'd think they'd tell you that before hand and make you sign a waiver like they do for Japan. Guess they think 1 in 15 is acceptable. If my kids get sick from being here...


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Female/26-30. Lives in Italy/Naples, speaks English. Eye color is blue-grey. I am what my mother calls

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