What happens when we die?

~Oct. 30, 2003~

Pagan Speak topic.

Topic #1 : After Death (thanks to WitchVox)

What happens to our souls/spirits after we die? Is there an everlasting haven to which we retire? Are we reprocessed and reincarnated? Do we � as dearly departed spirits/souls -- have any say in the matter? How have you coped with the loss of a loved one? Do you feel that this person/animal is still keeping an eye on you from beyond? Do you think that some of your present animal friends are really some of your old animal friends recycled? Would that work for humans as well? Are you troubled over the thought that one day you will die? Why or why not?

What happens when we die? J says that they stick you in a box, stick you in the ground, cover you with dirt and don't let you out on weekends. Or they burn you in a furnace and scatter you around somewhere or stick you in a jar where you spend the next few years on your cousin's mantle screaming soundlessly "I KNEW you were screwing my wife!" That's when I told him it was meant spiritually.

So what does happen to us? To the soul or essence of the person? If I believed fully as the Ancient Egyptians did, I would say that we would be judged and our sins weighed against the feather of Ma'at and depending on if we were found lacking or not, we would either ascend to the realm of the dead or be given to the devourer of souls. If I were Christian, I would believe that we would be welcomed into Heaven, given that we had repented of our sins. If I believed as many western religions do, than we would either climb or descend along the "ladder" of reincarnation, depending on whether we had learned the lesson we were designed to learn from this incarnation. Some even believe that nothing happens. That there isn't a real soul that animates the body. But for me all of these views is too limited.

So what do I believe? I believe that yes, we are judged for our actions in life. Depending on the balance against us is how I preceive determines what happens next. If our actions are in a balance, than our sould doesn't progress or regress. If the actions in life were more positive than negative, than we progress towareds fully rejoining the Higher Power that we each believe in. If our actions were more negative than positive, than the soul will regress and be further away from that union. In all three cases, though, the soul is reincarnated.

So than whay are there ghosts? Do they choose to stay here due to some unfinished business? Are they trapped here for some reason? I really don't know. It seems that both are reasons. Charlie has chosen to be with me since childhood, my childhood that is, but what kept him here prior to that he's never shared. I just know that he is here, as are the others.

Everyone has a slightly different idea of what happens to the soul when the body dies. Unfortunately there's only one real way to find out and that's to die. And unles you figure out how to comeback as a ghost and tell people what happens, no one will ever really know. Even than it would only be part of it.

So maybe there isn't any real way of knowing. I just hope I'm in the plus column when I die and not the minus.

Am I afraid to die? No. The only thing that remotely frightens me about it isn't my death, but the possibility of the death of one of my boys before I die. That I don't want to experience. But my death isn't something I'm concerned with. I know I'll be back, and I might even be around as a ghost to watch over my boys. I'll just have to wait and see.


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