Survey says...

~Aug. 14, 2002~

Alright, I told Lizabet I'd do this and post it today. Enjoy...


Name: Heather Anne *last name subject to change due to mood*

Age: Irrelevant

B-day: A long time ago

Birthplace: Augsburg Germany in a hospital somewhere

Hometown: Blacksburg, Va

Nicknames: Red, Shortie, Elfling, Charlie

Number of siblings: 4

Pets: 1 cat, JC

Romantic interests: You betcha

Height: 5�2�

Hair/eye color: Red/blue

Type of car you drive: You mean cars have a type? :p

*Here & Now*

The best word to describe your life: Chaotic

The most important things in life: My boys, family, friends and SLEEP!

Was today a good day, bad day, or OK day and why: Good. I worked with Crystal and we had fun.


If you could ask God one question: Why are there people that don�t use soap when they shower or bath?

If you were the queen of your country: Outlaw Italy

If you could, you would banish your worst enemy: To Italy

If you could change one law: I�d change the law of gravity, that way we weigh less

If you could change anything about the world: Decrease the population and increase the intelligence, since they are inversely proportional

If you could live anywhere: Away from people

If you had more time alone, you would: Sleep

If you were a plant, you would be: Ya know when you�re walking through brush, and you come out with all this little seed thingies stuck to your pants legs and socks? That would be me.

If you could have a tattoo, what would it be: What�s this if�?

If you could have lunch with any one person, living, fictional, or dead, who: One person just won�t do. All the elves from Lord of the Rings.


Your most romantic experience: In bed with my 25 cent, second hand store smut novel

The most romantic place in the world: A porch during an evening thunderstorm

The physical trait you find to be most attractive: Eyes


You are most comfortable: naked

Something that has been on your mind lately: I refuse to answer on the grounds that it will get me sent to the mental institution.

A reason you would consider committing suicide: Nick Stupans

Your greatest fear: The afore mentioned entity talking to me

A sickness/disease you fear: Stupidity

What song title describes you best: Neverending Story

Thing you want to be remembered for: I made Wonderboy cry

Is the glass half empty or half full: It�s time for another

Subject of inner musings: I listen to the voices in my head argue

*Memories & Emotions*

Your earliest, clearest memory: Shielding my younger sister from being kicked by her father

Your best b-day: None

Your worst b-day: None

Your most peaceful moments: They usually happen when I�m not around

A piece of music that makes you sentimental: I�ll get back to you on that.

Why: Because I can�t think of anything right now

The predominant emotion you have experienced lately: Gut wrenching laughter

*Wishes & Dreams*

How you would like to spend the last few minutes of your life: Having the best orgasm of my life

If you had the talent/opportunity, you would: Take over the world and get rid of stupid people

If you could change your first name, what would you change it to: Mistress

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live: Which world?

What you want to be when you grow up: An elf

Where do you see yourself in ten years: In bed, sleeping

Dream vehicle: Chauffer driven limo


Your proudest moment: Getting out of the Navy

Your most embarrassing moment: Joining the Navy

The greatest amount of emotional pain you have ever endured: The time in between

*God & the World*

Do you believe in God: Sometimes

If so, describe your vision of him, if not, why: Don�t you mean Her? Or Them?

Your most spiritual moment: Right after dropping the kids off at the pool. *grins*


What would be your reaction if your partner/spouse cheated on you: Kill �em

If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Sex

Someone's diary you would love to read: Doopey�s

Have you ever cheated on a test: Um�yea�

*Likes & Dislikes*

Favorite TV show: Charmed

Favorite book: Illustrated edition of the Kama Sutra

Favorite subject in school: Lunch

Least favorite subject: Everything between 8am and 4pm except lunch and break

Favorite movie: Whatever keeps the boys quiet the longest�

Favorite food: Edible

Favorite color: Green

Least favorite color: Orange

Of all your CDs, which do you listen to most often: The non-scratched ones

Do you like to shop: No, I hate it with a passion

*Measure Your Fears*

For this section, answer (1)you would, (2)you would not, or (3)you have.

Pet a snake: 2

Spend a week in an empty room: 1

Ride in a hot-air balloon: 2

Kill an animal (insects not included): 3

Sky dive: 2

Sing in front of a huge audience: 1

Scuba dive: 3

Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster: HELL NO!

Deliver a baby: 1

Swim across the Amazon River: Um, are you nuts?!?!?!

Change careers: HELL YEA!

Disappear for a long period of time without letting anyone know where you were: Can I?

Walk through a forest alone at night: Been there, done that, got the pelt to prove it

Join a space mission: Nah, more people to corrupt on Earth

Tell everyone what you think of them: Only if enclosed in an inpenitrable force field

Call off your wedding: You betcha

Walk up to Godzilla and call him a girl: Yea

Disarm a bomb: Depends on who it�s attached to

Clean the outside windows of a skyscraper: Um, no

Walk naked through NYC for 10 minutes during rush hour: Sure, sounds like fun


Your strangest possession: My mind

Your lucky number: 369

An animal you would like to own, regardless of size or circumstance: A dragon

If you could afford it at this moment, you would buy: A domicile far far away

Monument you would like to have a view of from your bedroom window: The sphinx, pyramids, Philae, Karnak, Stonehenge� Maybe a few others, but I don�t want to be greedy

If your house was burning, what would you grab: A water hose

What is your advice for people: Don�t take life seriously. You never get out alive.


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Female/26-30. Lives in Italy/Naples, speaks English. Eye color is blue-grey. I am what my mother calls

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