Been awhile, huh?

~Apr. 29, 2003~

Gosh, it's been so long since I've written anything here, or elsewhere on the net. And so many things have happened, a few of which I've thought "I should write that up in my journal" but I never quite seem to get to it. So where to start? I guess I'll just ramble about what I can think of.

Here's one. Happened last week, and is one of those "I should write that" moments. I left work, I guess it was 2 Friday's ago, and as I was heading to my car with my XO walking and talking with me, I see this flower on my car, tucked under the windshield wiper. I take it off the windshield and drive home, thinking it's from J and feeling all warm and fuzzy about it. When I walked in, he says "Someone got flowers today..." That made me pause, 'cause he said it like he was surprised about it. My reply "Yea, but you wouldn't know anything about it, now would you?" got a "No, 'cause it's not from me" from him. I was a bit surprised, right before he started ribbing me about having a secret admirerer. Secret my arse. I knew exactly who it was from at that point, and needless to say, the rose ended up in the bin the next morning on my way back to work.

He did, however, leave me a sweet note on my dashboard a few days later when I had had a really bad day. Let me know that I'd have a huge hug waiting for me when I got home. I swear, there are times when that man spoils the crap out of me. And he does it on purpose.

He told me that I could have a dog. Any dog I wanted, except a doberman or a chocolate lab, and he'll buy it for me. A dog to replace the cats I can no longer have since he's allergic to them. So I've spent quite a bit of time pouring over various dog books, sites and such looking at the different breeds and types. On one site there was a match making test thingie to pair up people with different breeds that would suit their lifestyles. And for once, I was complete honest about it, and came up with a decent list that I started to weed through.

I finally narrowed it down to 4 or 5 breeds, showed them to J, than the next day narrowed it down to 2. I looked in to those 2 further, doing specific searches for them, and found good write ups on both, read them both, and sent J the links so he could read them. We both decided that the same dog would be well suited for me, the boys, the family and the other dog that he already has. So, my friends, I will become the proud owner of a Glen of Imaal Terrier. *beams* I'm really quite excited about it. :)

Anyway, the next two weeks I'm back down here in C4I again. It hasn't been as rough as the last round down here, but than it's much better than the last two days I had at aviation. I swear, the command is bound and determined to drive me totally and completely apeshite before the year is halfway up. I've worked with 2 reservists now, and though the first was cool as hell and we got along great, and she basically knew what she was doing, this last one, though a nice guy, didn't know dick about weather. Which is really odd since he's majoring in it to become a pilot! And he was slooooooow! Combine him with my observer who's slow, dull, dumb and easily distracted and you've got just about the worst 2 days I've had at this command. I went home the first day and cried. Just balled I was so stressed from the two of them. The second day I walked out. It was almost time to leave and everyone had been telling me to do this do that even though I didn't agree with it, so I left. I had to or I would have ripped them both to shreds, I was so fed up with them.

J's on the phone right now and has just told me that the boys aren't wearing diapers at the moment. Now they don't have underwear yet, so this means that they're freeballin' it. Joy. Ah well. I guess it's all part of them growing up. They're working on the potty training issue so aren't in diapers at times.

Well, can't think of anything else at the moment. I'm really rather beat and would love to go home, curl up with J and go to sleep, but I have 3 1/2 more hours of sitting here at work, not doing a damned thing. Oh no, that's not entirely true... I have 1 brief to give some pilots later, but that won't take long at all... *sighs* Guess I'll go read my book some more. :)


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Female/26-30. Lives in Italy/Naples, speaks English. Eye color is blue-grey. I am what my mother calls

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The Weather in Hell