Work jabberin' cause I'm bored and looking at a very long weekend ahead

~Jul. 25, 2003~

Well, another chapter of DA is up. I had actually written it the same time as chapter 9, but just didn�t put it up at the same time. I know Casie�s probably annoyed by that, but oh well. She got a copy of the whole thing. Well, as much as I have of it anyway.

I�ve come to the conclusion that Jenn and I are just destined never to actually get to chat again. Everytime I see her on, she�s not really on, or when she is, I can�t chat long. Like last night. Didn�t know why I checked, as I knew I had to get off the comp and to bed for work this morning, but I did and she was on. Said hi and a bit more, but that was about all. Hopefully sometime soon we�ll be able to chat or play email tag or something.

This weekend is shaping up to be a seriously dull one. Just about the whole command is going on the command camping trip while I�ll be here at work. Oh, I didn�t want to go, so don�t get me wrong, I�m not bummed about it. Actually pretty stoked, really. I won�t have to deal with some people that I�d just assume never see again, let alone work with. Right now I�m trying to get ahold of the LT to see if maybe we can just wear cilivian clothes in to work this weekend. Keep tryin� his office number, but there�s no answer and he�s not out on the ops floor down in the Hole. Blech. I�ve even got 2 people keepin� a look out for him to get him to call me. Jeremy said I should just wear what I want since there won�t be anyone here, but that could backfire.

Suddenly my stomach just feels ill. I couldn�t tell you why... Ok, so maybe I can. I had BK for lunch and that always seems to rot my guts now. Actually, a lot of things do that. Every since boot camp, most things I eat cause me one sort of problem or another. Not a pleasant experience, really. I swear, since joining the Navy, there are more things wrong with me than before. My arches fall in boot camp, causing no end to foot problems, I loose part of my hearing in both ears, I injure my back and now have spasms, I get hit by a car and will a) more than likely have to have surgery and b) always have problems with it now. Not to mention that I�m now on anti-depressants and will be for probably the rest of my life...

And the verdict for the civies is in. A resounding. . . . . . . no. I�m not surprised really. Hell, I even offered to pay for everyone that works this weekend, a whopping 4 people, and still no. So I�m stuck in this Gods awful monkey suit all weekend. Well, screw that. I�m gonna wear the dungarees not the whites. I hate the whites. I hate the blues. Hell, I just hate the navy uniforms period. They�re so uncomfortable. And I don�t really see what the big deal is.

And now I�ve had to explain, yet again, why I�m not going on the camping trip. How do you tell your LT, basically your boss, that the thought of spending a weekend in the woods with the same people you work with, most of whom you�d rather not see at work much less an entire weekend of, makes your skin crawl in a nice way? There really isn�t one. So I fall back on the "I finally have power and you want me to give that up why?" reason that he actually came up with. Not to mention that J can�t stand my command, with the exception of maybe 3 people... So I�m not going. I�m staying here and making it possible for another forecaster to go. All I�ve got to say is that my leave, vacation time, in November had damned well better be approved.

So now I�m seriously tempted to bring in the wall hanging that I�ve been working on this weekend. I mean, there are no flights scheduled, so that means no pilot briefs, which means absolutely no one will be coming in. No one! So I may well do that and get some work done on it. Or I could work on a billion other things. Truth be told, I always say that, but than never do what I say I�m going to. Sometimes that annoys me, but I�ve learned to live with it after so many years. Maybe I�ll get some writing done this weekend, maybe not. Maybe I�ll read more of my book this weekend, maybe not. Maybe I�ll spend the entired time I�m here playing Mah-Jong tiles. I love that game. Play it a lot. J says I�m addicted, and he may well be right. I can stop playing when I need to, though sometimes maybe not when I should... Ah well. No one�s perfect. Least of all me...

So if anyone wants to play email tag this weekend, feel free to drop me a line. I'm here and B O R E D ! ! !


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